Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 01:38:00 :00: Journalism - Documentary on the History of the Owl

(Q – Clément: Yes, I wanted to ask a question, it doesn't relate to hunting, but I would like to know if you were followed by journalists or if there was a plan to a great documentary around hunting? When I see all the discussions on discord, all the hunters who must have research documents and all that, all the hypotheses around it, and then you who have taken up the torch, I say to myself that it should. be great to have a documentary that covers all this or maybe it already is?)

MB : Well, I constantly have a guy parked in a car in front of my house, with a sinister face but almost and so I think I'm being followed.
No, I'm joking of course, but I'm not followed by journalists. But the idea of ??what you are talking about is in the air, yes, of course it is in the air, as I already told you, eh. I met a certain number of producers, some who are extremely well-known people, and the subject fascinates, but you see, it is difficult to deal with and it is true that you have to manage to script it. You have to be able to present things and it’s not easy, yes.
It's very complicated. And then on top of that, the procedure which continues to take place and which will most likely continue for a few more years. This procedure, which has been underway for a long time, is a permanent questioning, a little troubles people who are usually involved in this type of approach, series, films, various productions, reports, everything that 'we would like, it's a little disturbing for them because it's true that there are a lot of things that seem blurry around the golden owl, which is not the case, by the way in reality.
But the fact that the protagonists and especially those who denigrate hunting or who contest things, express themselves enormously on the web and have been questioned a lot by journalists for many years, means that there is a scent floating around all this sulfurous which bothers the screenwriters a little I think.