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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 01:28:15 :15: Click - Not easy, Newton's apple analogy

(Q – Ben44: If I understand correctly what you are saying, once we have resolved everything correctly in the right order, once we are there, it will be relatively obvious it is that?)

MB : No, we are not at the level of the obvious, before the obvious, there is the trigger. That's the wicked side of hunting, that's why I say when I said hats off Max, on this famous video that I published, presidential style, I'm still ashamed today when I look at her, but it doesn't matter, a moment of shame quickly passes, but when I said that, when I said hats off Max but I really mean it, there is a great discovery behind that , so there is a need for a click.
But it's true that once it clicks, then it's going to be, it's going to be a piece of cake eh! For those who are going to pass the milestone, it will be a real treat.

(Q - Nabil: But Michel, it's impossible to find if it has nothing to do with the puzzles. A trigger like that that comes out of nowhere, an idea, but there could be 40,000 ideas …)

MB : you know, the greatest discoveries…No, no, I would like to answer “it cannot be found”, there are many great discoveries which have been made in an absolutely astonishing way.
We can obviously talk about Newton's apple, but that's a good example in itself, a trigger, it's at that level, it's Newton's apple, the guy sees an apple falling, he said damn, that's gravity, there's an earthly attraction, something's happening, why is she falling? Why is it going in this direction, why is it not going up?
A click, that's it, it doesn't mean that in front of you, you have, you have managed to resolve something absolutely unthinkable, ... It means that all of a sudden, the light comes, forgive me -me, for the light, you will still tell me that I give hidden clues, that is not the case, but the light is shed, that is to say that at a given moment you say Good God , but that’s what it is! I hadn't thought about it before; the apple falls, well yes it falls because it is attracted, is there actually an attraction, is there something that makes it go downwards rather than upwards? high ? What is the logic of this? Well in the super solution, there is something that is at this level, which at a given moment will click in the head of a participant and the person will say to themselves but “Well yes, well yes, well yes, we never thought about it, but why not and oh well yes, it works”!
There you go, that’s exactly how I’m trying to describe it.

(Q – Nabil: But there is a bit of decryption since you said that there is a bit of mathematics, so there are little things to find that have never been found. )

MB : yes, but this is where your knowledge of the previous solutions will come in handy. But you won't need to look for something that you've left aside, you'll look for something that you already have in your head and that you've understood for a while.

(Q – Nabil: Ok, so everything has been found and the rest is, roughly speaking, we use certain things.)

MB : Yes, there you go, you use certain things, but which are not leftovers, which are elements…

(Q – Nabil: calculation or that kind of complicated thing where…)

MB : we stop there Nabil, because there it's starting to be...I'm going to find myself with the lamp in my mouth in 5 minutes and you're going to confess to carrion! No, no, I won't say anything!