Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 01:23:40 :40: SS - Notions and progression

(Q - Nabil: But, but Michel, sorry to say it like that, but when we get to the 10th, we don't care a bit about the first 9 and the specifications, right?)

MB : the 10th, it was illustrated like the others, eh! The 10th, it responds to the imagination of Max Valentin.

(Q – Nabil: Yes the 10th it is independent, if we want no, it resolves itself, it needs nothing, the numbers on our head, what, and it is not based on anything at all.)

MB : No but I have already answered this. I said when we completed the first 9 puzzles, we acquired knowledge, I compared that at times to learning a language when we acquire vocabulary, when we learn to speak a language , we acquire a vocabulary, then it becomes, it becomes automatic, we use a word, we don't think about which word we are going to use, it comes by itself.
Well, the notions that we will acquire during the first 9 puzzles, if they need to be called out, if they have a use at the time of the super solution, they will come in this way. Elements that may be useful to you will come as spontaneously as a common vocabulary word in a language you master. There is no need, this is why I objected to the notion of remainders because it tends to say we dissect a solution, we dissect an enigma, we draw something from it and there is has something that we put aside, ..., but it's not that at all.
We use everything we have understood from a riddle, we move on to the next riddle and so on. We go through our journey and the moment when we are going to be confronted with the super solution, if we need a reference, a criterion, an element to which we must get closer, it will come by itself, we will. what has in mind.