Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 01:19:50 :50: CDC - Visuals, instructions and imagination

(Q - Exalastro: Well that's what I'm afraid of, that's what we try to understand and go through every minute while saying okay, but thank you for your answer and then I have a 2nd one, sorry for the community and then I keep silent forever, yes it was important for me because the question concerns the visuals and you said the importance of associating visuals and texts, certain enigmas, it was important not to dissociate one too much from the other since sometimes we had confirmation by a visual on a theory, while there it was important to associate them together. When you say the visual, is it the visual of the specifications or is it by the greatest, the famous ultimate coincidence that one day, the person, the inventor will understand, is it your imagination also which is included in the visual versus text association of the puzzles.)

MB : This is a very, very good question. That's a very good question and I'm going to tell you something that I haven't said until now, but which is very important. When you talk about visuals, I answer specifications, the visuals are the result of the specifications. All right ? What are the specifications?
The specifications are the way in which Max Valentin's imagination envisaged illustrating his own enigmas. It's not my imagination, the specifications, it's that of Max Valentin.
The choices made in the specifications are theirs. They are not mine.
Me, I would perhaps not have illustrated things in the same way at all, perhaps not chosen the same elements, all the elements which are given in the specifications, in fact the only one to which I returned , it's the famous rooster's legs that I replaced with the rooster's eye, because I found it more precise.
But apart from that we are dealing with the imagination of Max Valentin. Ask yourself the question of saying to yourself, I have a certain riddle, let's take one that you are sure to have solved well, there is surely one that you are certain that you have solved well. How would you have illustrated it? Would you have chosen the same elements? Would you have given me the same specifications as those given to me by Max Valentin? By that, I mean that we are in the chosen elements, the rooster, the compass, whatever you want, the elements which were imposed in the specifications result from Max Valentin's imagination, not mine.
This is the first time I'm talking about it and this is something that came to my mind not very long ago, while thinking about all this and in particular thinking about this that I could, if necessary, be led to paint in correlation with the super solution. What specifications would Max have given me to illustrate the great solution, what will I do myself? And that's an important question because as much as Max used everything I have, ... the way I embellished, let's say the images, everything I brought, everything that my imagination was able to graft onto the images what appears and which correlates with the specifications, responds to Max Valentin's imagination and not mine.
And Max Valentin was not particularly an aesthete, was not particularly someone keen on contemporary art or not, or the history of painting and therefore he had an imagination, let's say relatively basic.
Compared to that, the choices he made, the specifications that gave me, I would say that compared to the puzzles, it's relatively basic.
But it repositions you, if you want the visuals, the part of the visuals where we were able to go crazy, where you were able to get lost for a moment due to the fact that Max Valentin himself left doubt about the things that I could have represented, that's one thing, but what is important to consider is the elements that he requested, that is to say that the specifications, once again, are the images that had imagined to him as being the one he should associate with these texts.