Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 01:09:35 :35: Additional clue - Unlock hunting without betraying the game

(Q – Noble action: I bounce back, there I was saying that’s a bit of the theme, during a last vocal, I had also exchanged with you, you said that it’s okay if everything remains “in plan”, that there is not much progress for the next 6 months, for the 30th anniversary of the owl, you were considering making new tables to try to give a little boost and you said on this occasion that it was not envisaged, at least from your point of view, to give a boost in terms of the trigger? Well, in any case, the fact of unlocking the last part? hunting. Now you also say that there are a certain number of people, many, few, I don't know, but who have already arrived without these possible future help at the end of the game, towards the end of the game. Is it finally appropriate to unblock the start of the game if ultimately, there is already a certain population who have reached the final blockage we will say, and is it not the risk that ultimately the more players find themselves stuck in the same place, in the end without, that it really unblocks the hunt in the sense that there is no one who finds the owl what?)

MB : Yes, this is a concern that is worth another, my position is... it is that I cannot focus on this precise point that you mention, on this precise question that you ask, I vision is to say today there are “x” thousands of participants in this game, it has been going on for “x” thousands of years and therefore we still have to arrive at the point that one day it will be unlocked, that it can be unlocked. My questioning, my attention is focused on these points.
After the way of doing it, what element am I going to give, ... even today, I don't really know and in fact one of the reasons why we are exchanging at the moment even, it is that with each vocal, I have an additional experience, I try to capture parameters, elements, tendencies which can help me to orient myself on possible elements which I could give what, it’s a journey parallel to yours.
Me, I try to understand where you are, I try to understand where things are stuck, and I try to deduce what I can, if anything, bring to unlock without betraying the game, it's always the same problem, without causing some people to immediately say well that's it, this time I understood everything, I'm going there.
So, I mean it's not as focused as your question is, I have a broader vision of it all. I tell myself I have to be able to help everyone at the same time, without favoring anyone. And it's not easy.

(Q – Noble action: but if you help everyone, that also means those who are stuck at the last step and therefore potentially, if there is really more than one step to go to cross for some, either you help them and then afterwards, maybe it won't be useful, they won't find it anyway but if they find it, well, in short, you understand, but I think you're making your way too , you will not necessarily have more answers.)

MB : giving information, it's funny because you remind me that there are people who are at the last step, I understand the idea that you are trying to…

(Q – Noble action: it’s an image eh, because you said…)

MB : I understand the image, no, but I understand the image but nothing tells you that I am going to smooth out the last step. My approach is not to say I am going to smooth out the last step so that those who are nearby will find it straight away. My approach is to say, I'm going to give something to everyone so that everyone says, ah indeed we can perhaps consider things differently, that's why it's complicated if it's It was about erasing the last step to say well, there are some who aren't far away and Ok I'll find them then we don't talk about it anymore, the game is over, that's certainly not what I what do I want to do.