Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 01:04:35 :35: Discord - Discussions on hunting and relaunching the game

(Q - ??: Sarah Vargas: First of all, I wanted to thank you. No, but it's really interesting to clean up a little. I really cleaned up my game, so I'm super happy and it also helps, it's funny because I'm coming back to my basic idea. So there you go, I'm trying to move forward slowly but surely.)

MB : That's good, that's very good, but in any case the principle is that this hunt must remain alive. We cannot spend 30 years and continue beyond asking the same questions with the same parameters otherwise it would have already been found and as long as it is not this owl, that means that the questions asked and the parameters that are taken into account are not, I am not saying that they are not the right ones but in any case, it is not sufficient so it is very good today to put back things in perspective, to reconsider one's approach to the subject.

(Q – Sarah Vargas: So what intrigues me is that I’m coming back a little to my basic idea.
And I say to myself, but if that's it, how could it have been there, what? And that's really intriguing so it's, ... I thank you for everything you gave us, because it really helped me a lot.)

MB : But this hunt is much more than intriguing, it is extraordinary. It goes beyond being intriguing, it's completely extraordinary what happens around this hunt, it's a completely exceptional story. Frankly, frankly, frankly from all points of view.
And so indeed today for those who intend to win and find, discover the solution, it is absolutely necessary to question themselves, to question everything that can be considered as an acquired fact, unless it is demonstrated because there are things which, ultimately, can little by little become more, I would say more solid, on which we can arrive at absolute convictions. But generally speaking, over the 30 years that this story lasted, we can only question ourselves today. What can I say… we return to the subject, it is the notion of a cold case that I had mentioned for some time already, we must reconsider the subject.

(Q – Sarah Vargas: I completely agree with that. In any case one thing is certain, it is that there is a conviction which is sure for me and certain and that, I So don't let me go, but it's interesting to dig into the subject, to say to ourselves, well, to start from another point of view and to approach the right choice more simply and calmly.)

MB : that's exactly it, and what's more, I have the chance, I would say, to see things a little differently, that is to say that I am in the process of discovering, because I don't had absolutely no experience on the subject, I am in the process of discovering how a community works, therefore that of the owls, that of the participants in the game. I am in the process of discovering how a community works, how the influences, the convictions of some and others interact.
And I am discovering with great interest, almost passion, how convictions, commonly accepted certainties end up emerging, end up making a place for themselves and end up being adopted by everyone. It is extremely fascinating to see this process and this is how I say today, indeed the thoughts of the players taken as a whole are evolving towards possibilities which did not exist until -there.
And this is what makes me say, it is absolutely not unthinkable that someone will have the trigger, already in the current state of things.

(Q – Sarah Vargas: And Ben. All that’s left to do!)

MB : Exactly. !

(Q – Sarah Vargas: but it’s true, there is an understanding that must really be understood and I think that’s what’s a little disturbing. Well, for me anyway, there where I am today, and it's borderline disturbing but it's great.)

MB : Above all, there are certainties that must be undermined.