Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 54:40 : 650 - Numbers 71721075 and game blocking

(Q – Nabil: Hello Michel, it’s Nabil.)

MB : Hello, Hello Nabil. So there we started with something still smokey. I feel it coming.

(Q – Nabil: Of course it's going to be smoked since I'm one of those daboistes who's stuck at the BSM with these damn figures.)

MB : Yeah and they're still standing since everyone's been trying to take them down, those poor BSMs,

(Q – Nabil Ah, it’s a bit leaning, but I think, yes, yeah.)

MB : okay, that’s okay, that reassures me. So what's going on at BSM?

(Q – Nabil: I have the impression that in fact Max was a little harsh on this 650 with these figures. Because if I take the example, the gear change, there is nothing in the enigmas which tells us what to do and we arrive for example, at the BSM, we see these figures there we say, OK, this is a confirmation, but I have the impression. and you are going to tell me if you can answer it or not, is that the trigger, in reality, it is not.
solve these numbers or understand them?)

MB : Well, let's say that they are very close to the trigger, that's obvious, but what I can say in relation to that is that these figures have been there from the beginning. They've changed order a little bit at times, but they've been there since the beginning. We must therefore consider that it is part of what Max Valentin had imagined 15 years before meeting me, it is part of the very essence of hunting.
It's part of what he considered to be the essence of his product, of what he had imagined, of what he had designed.
And so, I've already said that, but what I believe is that from the start, as he was someone who, once again, was a communications professional and who was doing marketing writing to sell products, I think that from the start, he must have, very probably, considered that this great solution would be something over which he would more or less keep control until the end, over which he would have the possibility to act.
This is why I say that the fact that the owl was seized in 2006, which blocked any possibility for him to communicate, to advance and to make the game evolve since well, the situation was still a bit delicate to say the least and the fact that he passed away before things were almost back to normal, the owl was returned to me. The fact that he was unable then, that he was no longer there to intervene, means that we will never know how he had envisaged the thing, but my conviction is that he had from the start, considered having to intervene.
Well finally, a little bit like I'm doing today, to possibly support the players a little bit and then give them, he called it complementary or additional clues so perhaps that's what had envisaged it compared to the super solution. We will never know but my conviction is that very probably, he had envisaged from the start that things could not go to the end without intervention on his part, in the control of the game.

(Q – Nabil: There I have the impression that in fact, he had the idea of ??this hunt with these numbers and the sentinels and that this 520 is a bit like spread and you say that Max is literary, we have a good example here with the 520, because we can clearly see that he has stuffed what, he wrote us a good paragraph to really confuse us and I had another question, one last question…)

MB : so just before I am going to give you an answer, I think that my words are starting to bear fruit, that is to say you are starting to understand when I say that Max was a literary person, that means that you are starting to asking yourself questions, you begin to put into perspective the fact that perhaps this or that ultimately only has an intended impact on the players, and which is due to the turn of phrase, which is due to the vocabulary used.

(Q – Nabil: I would even say that in the first 9 puzzles, in fact, he talks to us about concepts of light, but behind what is hidden are very simple and very basic things and so, he put some words which do as you say, which appeal to the imagination and that confuses everyone, but behind it is something very simple in the first 9 and the thing is On the other hand, I wonder, for example, is it possible for some people to arrive at the right zone but not to have understood anything about the first 9 and that they can find the owl?)

MB : Oh no, I think that without having understood anything about the first 9, it's still difficult to find.