Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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07/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 36 - 39:25 : SS - Resolution process and gear change

(Q – rock: the elements of the super solution, we find them only by solving the last one or in all the previous solutions?)

MB : Are the elements to be found in the different puzzles? I can go there, it's an implication of leftovers, we're going to look in the riddles, no, there's nothing to look for in the riddles, the riddles are solved, and when we've arrived at the right one place, we attack the cliff and we change gear. But, at some point in our reasoning, we will use what we understood during the resolution of the previous puzzles. We're going to use it, it's like vocabulary, that is to say that when we make a sentence we use it, we look for a synonym, we use vocabulary that we have somewhere in our head. To this extent, in the literal sense, it is not a clue, the previous puzzles will be useful. We learned a certain number of things by solving the puzzles, we will use certain things at the super solution level. But we are not at all in the remainder, we have nothing to take from the enigmas, nothing at all, there is no sentence, number, word, whatever you want to recover from the puzzles, nothing at all. Once the puzzles are solved and you are in the right place, you have to move on to this change of gear, change your logic and find the rest.

(Q – roc: when I asked my question I was not referring to remainders but I was referring to the solutions that I find in each enigma and I said to myself that perhaps each of the places that I find becomes part of what I have to understand in the end So it's not leftovers, it's things that I found and that I accumulate like tools that become elements of the pile-up?)

MB : we could compare this to what I just said. There are things that we deduce from the puzzles, solutions that we bring to the puzzles and which will be more or less useful at the time of the super solution, but it is not a collection of information that the 'we're going to put it back together systematically.

(Q – rock: like a tool box that we build for ourselves?)

MB : a little