Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 38:35 : Enigmas - Simplicity and evocation of the Dabo track

(Q – flo: I understood you well, so in terms of everything you said, I completely understood, that is to say that in fact there is no worry, the literary side, the simplicity, no problem, if that is the case and if we follow exactly what you are saying, Ok, we are all in Dabo and so what, it's been 30 years since we are there or at least some people are there and there is no trigger, nothing at all that is found there. So be careful, I mean that does not mean that it is not there. There is none that is possible there. What I mean is that there are 2 ways of taking what you say, either you have to be very simple, we are in Dabo, Ok very good and. I named this place on purpose, because in fact it's what circulates as soon as you leave or even in live discussion when we follow what you say.
So, that way at least I'm naming things, to you on the other hand in your response, no need to name and no need to repeat what I say. It's in the sense or if you want because otherwise the answer is what, well there you go, you cited something, I can't answer you. If you want, there is this obvious simplicity which is Dabo and then there is the rest, so I want it to be in Dabo and in this case, what does that mean? For 30 years, people haven't been able to have a trigger?)

MB : So I don't work like you. You must understand that for my part I am aware of many theories, of many participants in the game, that in addition I actually know the solutions so I have a much broader vision than yours on the possibilities on the subject of the first 9 riddles.

(Q – flo: absolutely)

MB : My point is to say, that, I come back, in fact, it will become clichés, eh, because I have already said it and said it again, my point is to say never, never, never in the person of Max Valentin have we had to deal with a superman, so we must stop constructing theories, possible solutions which call upon infinite degrees of knowledge, unthinkable overlaps, incredible coincidences, we have to stop this.
I'm not saying and I will never say that it leads to Dabo or not! My point isn't that, if you're all in Dabo, well, so much the better, you're going to get together, you're going to party. But the problem is not whether it is Dabo or not, the problem is how a participant, a player, should function in this game.
When we attack a game, we in principle have more or less instructions, we know a little where we are going and over the years, long years since this game has lasted, there have been so many things which have been said that today the players are disoriented because they no longer know what they can rely on or not, the solid points, the solid elements on which we can rely are and that remains and Above all, you should not see this as a denigration on my part, because that is not the case.
I'm not denigrating the character of Max Valentin, I'm just saying Max Valentin, he was a man like you and me, he wasn't a genius.
So, when you start to find yourself brilliant in your solutions, it is because you have completely escaped the capabilities, you are beyond the capabilities of a Max Valentin! There is nothing brilliant about puzzles, there is common sense, there is pragmatics. You figure it leads you to Dabo, good for you. I can reassure you that others think it's not Dabo and I have messages to this effect every day, so everyone can deduce what they want.
But this whole chapter of the 9 solutions, of the 9 solutions to find to the first 9 puzzles, this chapter for me is definitely categorized as being accessible to everyone. Everyone can achieve it. There is absolutely no need for a flash of genius.
Now, and this is the difference compared to the super solution, when we attack the super solution, there we are at the stage of yeah, you need a little flash of genius, you need a real discovery, you have to say to yourself, “ Ah, what if I try this” and I try and it works.

(Q – flo: I see, I completely understand what you are saying. Thank you for your response.)

MB : it’s difficult for me to say more, eh. Understand me, it’s very difficult for me to say more.
I would like to show you how I perceive you as a player, and the tools that are at my disposal to help you, they are not that numerous.