Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 35:30 : 9 first enigmas - The majority are wrong to worry

(Q – flo: it’s flo, I had something to say, finally to say and at the same time to question, it’s a bit between the 2. You have since the beginning of the vocal mentioned the fact that the first 9 are found, that it is findable Then you said that these first 9 solutions are perhaps possessed by a part of the people and an even smaller part of them could have them. in a conscious way. In other words, you are only reducing the fact that some people have these first 9 solutions.
And yet, you are only talking about the trigger, but the trigger can only happen from the moment when we have the first 9 in a conscious manner.
So, why talk about the trigger when, as you have just said and confirmed several times, the first 9 are surely only obtained in a conscious manner by a very small group of owls.
Finally, for me the question is the following, we talk a lot about the trigger, the change of gear, so in the end by your own admission, there is perhaps a very small number, or even zero, of people who have consciously the first 9. So why discuss it?)

MB : How would you do it? How would you do in my place to make the majority understand that they are perhaps wrong to get confused about the first 9 puzzles.
And that they might benefit from looking at things much more simply. How would you do it?

(Q – flo: I think I will start by answering questions on the first 9 riddles which are questions that you could finally answer yourself, you choose the questions to which you answer, the themes to which you answer.)

MB : I can't answer any questions about the puzzles specifically, I've done that enough, I can only answer today about, I was going to say the atmosphere of these puzzles. I can just say and I'm dying to say it, stop worrying.
Be pragmatic, be concrete, be factual, try to see things as they are. I said Max Valentin, he was hyper literary, I said literary, today I tell you hyper literary, listen to me carefully, I tell you hyper literary, I spoke to you about Master Yoda, I I talked about the way of turning sentences, of giving the impression to the interlocutor that we are revealing something to them when we are not revealing anything to them, of giving the impression to the interlocutor when you are a sales specialist through correspondence, who will buy the most efficient vacuum cleaner which will suck up everything except what should not be and that he does not even need to take care of it, that it will do itself, that's is technique.