Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 32:20 : CDC - Different versions of the puzzles

(Q - ??: I have a question concerning the specifications that you published, is there one of the versions of the enigmas which would allow us, precisely, to better understand this idea to find the trigger among everything that has been published in the versions?)

MB : So wait, when I published the specifications, I didn't know the solutions.
So I published this saying to myself, I have documents which apparently present things in a slightly different way.
As we know today, they had been communicated to 2 people who got nothing out of them since they found nothing at all. I said to myself, well, maybe it's useless, but maybe eventually there is someone who will deduce something from it and it can help. And you might as well communicate them to everyone.
But at that time, I did not know the solutions, knowing them today, I would say that whatever the option, the era to which we attach ourselves, therefore, whatever the version in fact of the specifications that we want to consider, whether we take the story of Father Méhus or not, it's always the same hunt, it's always the same story, it's always the same enigmas and it always leads to the same place, that's a certainty.
After certain minds come to a conclusion on one way, on one of the versions of the specifications, because it is written in such a way and not otherwise, some others make cross-checks, comparisons between 2 or 3 versions and say to themselves, well I deduce that and ultimately it will help them, I don't know.
But it's already been today, it's already been 2 or 3 years, I don't know how long since the specifications came out, obviously that's not what, it's not the fact of knowing the specifications that unlock a lot.