Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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07/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 36 - 34:40 : The mention "12th enigma" is linked to article 5 of the regulations

(Q- ??: you were talking earlier about the problem that a 15 year old child could solve but which had to be asked, ultimately isn't that what Max called the 12th grade? )

MB : No, not at all. The problem is posed in the book, there is no doubt about it. How I'm going to explain to you, I've already talked about this but it's so difficult to make you understand and you have nothing to do with it, you don't have the information that I have and it's difficult for you to capture it.
The 12th enigma that we're talking about, that Max Valentin started talking about one day, is article 5 of the regulations, it's Max Valentin's great finesse, what he thought was a big trick, and which turned out to be a legal disaster because its regulations were drafted haphazardly. When written in article 5, the person who has solved the last riddle allowing the location of the cache will be deemed the winner. It was very, very fine, fine, he thought in this way to make the player understand that in one of the riddles of the book there was one which allowed the precise location of the cache, he calls it the last riddle okay ? It’s a great subtlety to say that in this enigma there is a way to find the hyper-precise answer, to be sure, sure. It's a very abstruse formulation, that's not how it should have been formulated, that's why for years, Crolet and others have been contesting this, that, because ultimately all of that is not not very clear. This opens the door to interpretations, we have suffered from this for years.
It was his finesse, in 1979 when he wrote all that, the regulations date from that time, it only included 10 articles and this initial regulation included this little sentence which he kept until 'at the end because he found it fine, fine, fine, clever, clever, clever, because he was anything but a lawyer, so he didn't realize that it was extremely vague and did not allow to define things well enough, we had to make it explicit for this reason. This is also why he had carefully published in the book so that we could find article 5 there and which would be enough to understand that indeed in one of the enigmas we should be able to find something...but that's not a 12th riddle, there is no 12th riddle. It's a joke and when immortal tofu says he's interested in humans he's right. The human in this case is Max Valentin who went to his head, who said to himself I am the genius of the century, recovered all his ideas, yes of course it was me who came up with it. wanted, I who did it, so I'll tell you again this example of a subsequent hunt with the zone in the shape of I don't know what, it's an idea that was given to him by the players in the Minitel exchanges, he took up all his ideas. And when someone told him there was a great thing to find, he took that and made the 12th, the great solution.
The problem afterwards is that for him it responded to a certain logic, in your idea it means that there is another enigma, I tell you there is none, you will look where there is nothing to find.
On the other hand, you are not looking hard enough where there is something to find, which is what I mentioned earlier.