Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 29:15 : SS - Déclic - Everyone fears having it - Pirate story

(Q - ??: Reassure us, Michel, everyone can do it. Well, because when you say... ?)

MB : yes, yes, no need to have studied eh.

(Q - ?? okay Ok, that was my question Ok.)

MB : Ah no, no, no, not at all, and when I say that we are in a pirate story, that is also a point which is quite interesting, is that Max Valentin always said no , pirate stories, clichés, things, nothing to see, etc. But no, no, that's not true, we are in a story where, at the end of the hunt, we are, it's... me, I could apply the great solution to Treasure Island, eh, it There was a mechanism which was good, which was imagined by Stevenson, but we could have very, very well used that of our super solution, eh.

(Q - ??: I'm going to ask you this question, because when you say the first 9 riddles, it's within everyone's reach, ..., we have the impression that it There would even be a need for, well, additional technical knowledge, which would therefore not be within everyone's reach for the end of the game. But which is clearly not the case.)

MB : no when I say within everyone's reach, it is because it is in correlation with the "reputation" of hunting which has the reputation of possibly being complex, not easy, ..., but still, when we look at the first 9 puzzles, as I like to say, we find the solutions on the Internet, so they are within everyone's reach. I mean, it’s not just geniuses who have expressed themselves on the subject, there are plenty of people who have found these solutions.
There are not many, I think, who have them all and there are even fewer who are aware that they can possibly have them all.