Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 26:45 : Blocking - Communication of Max and Déclic

(Q - ??: that starts the rest and it seems simple, we'll move on…)

MB : it's something which, at the moment, did it to me eh, when I read the solutions that, it was exactly my own reaction. I said to myself, “Good God, what the hell”! And from the moment we discover it, when we understand it, in your case, we discover it, "well yes, well obviously", after that it's over, there are no more questions to ask once that we captured that, we say that's it, I got it!
And the real problem, what makes it last for so long, is that indeed already, we are going to say that the communications that were made, the responses that were formulated by Max Valentin stopped with the end of the Minitel, that's one thing and then stopped completely and definitively with the seizure of the owl, the moment when the procedure for seizure of the owl was initiated.
And there, he completely stopped responding to anything, it was "don't worry, we'll get it back, I'll do my best", he was in pure and hard communication, but he didn't respond. no longer asked the slightest question about hunting at that time. So here we are in 2006 eh, it’s been a while already.
And so I think that what was missing from this hunt, what meant that perhaps Max Valentin did not have the opportunity to respond or guide the players on these points, is that since 2006 so where the owl was seized, he was totally tied hand and foot and as he had made a number of mistakes which led to the owl being seized, he could no longer communicate, he could no longer respond and he no longer had never answered. He never said anything concrete or positive of any kind on the subject again and so we have been stuck since 2006.
And I today, I bring elements and I do it with a lot of caution, that is to say that I first try to unlock a little, I would say the imagination, to help the participants to break away from their previous convictions, and say to themselves, perhaps there is something else that we have not seen, which is the first point. And then depending on what will happen in the months to come, well if necessary, I will bring, I will in any case try to bring still new elements, the thing is there.