Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 18:00 : 9 first puzzles - Within everyone's reach

(Q - ??: I'm going back to the question you were asked before, to "what question"...Don't you think that researchers should ask you more questions on the first 9 puzzles that the super solution In any case compared to what you can have as an idea of ??the progress of the players, in any case, those who are active on the discord.)< /u>

MB : Um in my mind, if we talk about the first 9 puzzles, which are not all the same for everyone eh, because I have the impression that there are still a certain number of options different for the order of the puzzles, and whatever. In any case, seen from my side, I would say that as long as we do not arrive at the level of the super solution, therefore all the enigmas which precede, for me are today part of, ... are registered in the field of possible for everyone.
I don't think there are any participants today who are completely incapable of overcoming it.
Not everyone has completed the entire journey, but it does not seem very important or very useful to me to bring new elements to these enigmas, to the extent that I consider, I think I can say it in knowledge of the facts all the same, that they are within the reach of everyone, of all participants without exception.

(Q - ??: Okay, because you had repeated several times on voice that the solutions were available on the Internet, so I said to myself that it was a good, good revelation and than that…)

MB : I didn’t say “available”. That's not the word I used at all, I said, they are, you can see them on the Internet.
“Available” would mean that you have them at hand, you do not have them at hand, you still have to be able to say this one, I take it and that one I leave it. There are also plenty of them that are… there are plenty of riddles,… solutions, sorry, that are false on the Internet. It's not just the good ones so you still have to sort things out, that means you have to do it yourself, you already have to say that to yourself, I'll take that, I won't take what, It's a choice.

(Q - ??: I found that it was, it was a good, … what you said was interesting because in the end I had found solutions which were,… well that I found interesting and in the end I don't see them on the Internet so I say to myself well try to review your copy and don't try to search from noon to 2 p.m. and try to stay simple compared to commonly accepted solutions in my opinion, from what you say, I have the impression that there is no hidden plan in the hunt. There is not a set of enigmas that would be obscure and that we do not. 'wouldn't have found it, when I hear you…)

MB : of course if you have a solution that is revolutionary and you feel that maybe you have gone too far, that is probably the beginning of wisdom.

(Q – seb: And too late, if I take one more step, I'm too far, right?)

MB : We are on the edge of the abyss and we are going to take a big step forward.

(Q - ??: Little No_One has a question, he doesn't have a microphone Michel, he has a question in the chat, he would like to know where the hair is?)< /u>

MB : Ah, I have to think for a second because I forgot, it's been over a year, I haven't revised my copy and since the time I looked at this, I remember more exactly .
Well, it's a good thing he doesn't have a microphone in parentheses!

(Q - eh? Yeah, well, OK, that's good, I'm coming out of a meeting, I have a microphone, that's good!)