Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 15:25 : Gear change - On the right track

(Q – ??: I wanted to follow up before Seb's question which was very interesting in fact, good question, but on the gear change. I thought I understood from listening to you a few years ago time when there weren't many people around for you, or even anyone who had managed to make this change of gear. In any case, perhaps seeing it, but not realizing it in any case, is that. have you changed your mind now or at all?)

MB : So, still in what I can read, I have the strong feeling, I have already said it, so I repeat, these are not words or I say like that to tease, to excite people or whatever it is, really in what I read from the exchanges that I can see on the discord, I don't see them all because I don't always have the time to see everything, but from what I have read I believe that today there has been a very clear evolution in the possibilities, the field of possibilities has opened up to certain options which did not exist before.
And I find that the notions that I tried to communicate on this famous gear change, on a here are a certain number of things where I tried to say but wait, you don't understand, we have to change a little little attitude, you have to look at things differently.
I feel like this is actually happening. What I don't know is how far it can go, so you have to give yourself a little time. We must not forget that it has been a little over a year since I took over the organization of the game, that I took over all that and it has been going on for 30 years. So for the moment we haven't wasted any time and I'm not playing with your nerves, eh, I'm not saying I'll give them a little bit and then we'll see later, I'm very attentive to what is happening as much as I can be in any case.
And I still think that the discussions, the reasoning, the field of possibilities which is considered by the players, has opened up to other notions which did not exist before, so in my opinion we are on the right track, yes.
I am sincere in telling you that, I really think that the game has taken another direction, including in terms of hypotheses.