Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 08:50 : Hunting - Approach to Owls and context

(Q - seb: the question, the dream question that you would like a player to ask you, which one would it be? You would say to yourself, this person is the question, he has the right question . What would that be for example?)

MB : Damn, this isn't easy, this one is perhaps the most difficult one I've had. What could I dream of being asked as a question…

(Q - seb: because everyone is talking to you about 71721075, everyone is talking to you about 100 kilometers, the question that no one asked you and that could therefore help the whole Community.)

MB : I try to think with honesty, if I can answer or not, I think that for me, I cannot answer exactly the question as it is asked, but what I can say is that for me what seems the most,…seen from my side, the most exciting, seen from yours, probably the most interesting, is to,…I have already said it 100,000 times, so I am repeating myself a little, but in saying like that, perhaps it can be carried differently, it is to really be interested in the psychological side of the speakers, of the different protagonists.
Yours, how you operate yourself because I think a lot of people don't even realize that they are a little obsessed, a little stubborn, a little this, a little that, I don't know what.
And to be interested in the psychological side from the Max Valentin angle and from the angle because that seems to me to be an important element in this game, from the angle of those that I group together, I'm going to make a pair scream , but it doesn't matter, which I will group under the term preachers.
That is to say, people who intervene in the discord, with great theories, who expose them, who have a way of expressing things or who appeal to certain notions, who have the effect of exciting the audience, who realize that they fascinate their audience and who distill their theories, their certainties for an hour or two, answering no, it's not like that, yes, it's like that.
And we realize that here, we have gone completely out of the box since a priori no researcher is capable of saying it is like that or it is not like that, since no one has found it.
So this psychological aspect of hunting is a vision, someone who would therefore question themselves, not that they would question me but who would question themselves about the psychological components of the participants, how they work and why they say that. I think that someone who asks themselves this question could make some interesting deductions.
Because there is really, ... we are, we are in a very particular climate with this hunt where there have been people who have been extremely convinced for years, eh, since almost the beginning, I would say, who continue to hammer home their certainties . There are others who come and who are ready to let themselves be influenced by these famous certainties that are hammered home to them, there are others who are in permanent doubt, there are really very different approaches and when we compare the effects of these different approaches perhaps there are things to be learned from them.
I believe that there is a psychological context which is very special around this hunt, because of its duration, because of the passions, because of the commitment of everyone, the level of passion, of pugnacity, I don't really know what to say, what word to use, but there are really extreme behaviors, what in this hunt. And it’s true that a slightly more psychological vision of things, how Max Valentin worked, why he was able to give this type of response…
If we take for example, I put myself in the shoes of a teacher who would give a French lesson to students, and who would say today's topic is madits, so we have a collection of madits and we go through them, when we do explanations of the text, we cross-check, we make comparisons, we find similarities and we end up finding a bit of a mechanism in the way of writing and in the way of punctuating ,… in the arguments which are more or less repeated, more or less frequently repeated, we end up finding some recipes.
And it's this whole approach, I think psychological, of hunting which is lacking today, a little bit and which means that a good number of owls, I think, get lost in theories which are well, which are simply not possible, which cannot be linked to what hunting really is.
But they don't see it because they don't have, they don't have this distance and they can't take a little distance and say to themselves well no, what I'm trying to do 'imagine, actually in relation to this or that, it's not possible.

(Q – Uncle Nono: should we understand that you listen to us without us knowing it sometimes?)

MB : No not at all, but I read a lot of things. I read a lot and I exchange a lot with people who are outside of hunting, but who know it a little. I think of my lawyer, I think of a certain number of people with whom I interact and who by necessity have the need to understand, to analyze. And it's true that when we look at things without being, I would say, interested in solving the puzzles, we see things a little from the outside, we say to ourselves, but what is that? is this thing, what? It’s still weird.
And I'll even go so far as to say when I read you, when I read the jokes, well it's really nice what you exchange, I laugh eh, when I go see a little bit of what you write, that makes me laugh I like it but at the same time that, if we want to analyze it a little, if we want to look at it with a little bit of altitude and say to ourselves but what is there to learn From these exchanges, we can deduce things, eh.
The derision you show in some of your remarks, there are plenty of things that stand out in the writings all the same.
It's a strange journey, eh owl, it's sure even for me, eh, even for me, eh.