Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/11/2022 - Enregistrement n° 47 - 05:15 : Zone - Concept and things to find

(Q – Uncle Nono: Yes, okay, but I don’t really see the connection with my question, … excuse me, …)

MB : Well, the fact of saying, the question is to say when we are in the right zone, once again this concept of zone is very, very, very, very, vague, since when we want to look at the In the history of hunting, we find notions of areas which are more or less large, which are potato-like or not, who is this type, they are not that, it's vague, eh? The notion of zone is very, very, vague for me in my mind zone is, well it's when you're not far away.
That's when you're not far away, you're in the area. There you go, I'm not going any further, I'm not going beyond this notion.
So the fact of not being far away doesn't allow you to have an immediate trigger. You have to go a little more than not far, you have to go until you are really on the sensitive zone and where you start to say to yourself, there are things to find and if you are on the right zone in occurrence, yes, we find things.
Did I answer a little? Or not at all?
MB: Yes, yes, well a little is better than nothing! But I can't tell you where it is either!

(Q – Uncle Nono: No, but that’s not what I was asking, no. It was on the, it was on your vocabulary that you used there, …)

MB : vocabulary is complicated…

(Q – Toton Nono: I wanted to know if it was from the start, as soon as we arrive at it or already having done a bit of the great solution?)

MB : Yeah but I can't go into detail at that level. You know the vocabulary that I use, you still have to think about one thing, which is that the vocabulary that I use depends on the story of the owl. It is a function of what Max Valentin was able to say before me, it is a function of all that, that is to say that I rely on what already exists to try to say a little more, without say too much;
It's a very delicate exercise and it's true that there are, I know there are times when the vocabulary I use can seem a little vague and some people may say to themselves, well, he doesn't care. a little bit about us, he's trying to drown us out a bit or whatever, he doesn't want to tell us.
But it's very difficult to go back over all this existing corpus of questions and answers in which a lot of words have been used, a lot of synonyms have been used, a lot of things have been said and I come to that and I add a little layer, trying to give a little more details, but not too much so as not to spoil the game.
This is the reason why, from time to time, indeed, my words could seem, ... not very clear or anything, but I can hardly go any further. It's frankly not easy to answer this type of question, the question you just asked, this type of question is extremely delicate to handle, the answers are even more so.
It's not a desire on my part, it's not an intention to lose you, quite the contrary, but it's an intention to preserve all the work that has been done by thousands of owls and I can't not today to throw out something that would allow everyone to save 30 years, which in one fell swoop I am honest and so indeed my point sometimes remains a little more vague than I would like because it It is very difficult to say more.