Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/04/2022 - Enregistrement 20 Part 1 - 2:18:40 40:500 - 4 Center Spiral - Orthogonal

(Q - ??: Michel, you say that Max was literary, and that everything is in the book, I'm bad at math, I don't know what a spiral is with 4 centers, is he able, without looking at the book, to explain to me the design of a spiral with 4 centers?)

MB : who is capable?

(Q: Max, is Max capable, since everything is ultimately in the book and he is a literary person, is it him, does his book give us explains how to build a spiral with 4 centers?)

MB : the main strength of a writer is the ability he has to carry away with his words, the imagination of people, to make them travel to another dimension and to take them out of the context which is their usual context , and he succeeded perfectly with the 4-center spiral. Until the golden owl I had never asked myself the question of how many centers a spiral had, and since 1993, I learned that spirals could have 4 centers, that didn't make me any more effect than that, but it had a lot of effect on a lot of people, that's the strength of literature.

(Q - ??: ok)

MB : well you say ok, but I don't know if you understood what I told you, but I told you.,

(Q - ??: there is no need to trace it and there is not much to worry about!)

MB : I didn't say that either, I did talk about 4 centers, but it's true that it's a concept which... it's a notion, not a concept, it's a notion that few people have in mind, we don't wonder, we suppose that most of you have never asked how many centers had a spiral, apart from math teachers, obviously, but otherwise it doesn't These are not questions that we ask ourselves. Well, he got us on board with that.

(Q - ??: he took us in his literary way on the spiral with 4 centers in a literary way...)

MB : well he would have said a spiral we would all have understood a spiral, when we say a spiral we have a drawing, it's interesting as a discussion that, when we talk about a spiral, if I tell you a spiral you do not envisage a round, you do not envisage a square, you envisage a spiral... it can be a snail, do what you want it is a spiral, but when we say spiral with four centers, there we say four centers? oh well there are four centers in a 4-center spiral? That's a lot... for a circle, there is a center, for a spiral there are four? There we start to ask ourselves a lot of questions, after saying that we must trace it or not, it has no impact or it does not explain the fact that it must be traced or not, but it carries the imagination of people who say to themselves what is this spiral, and inevitably from the moment we say that it has four centers, we say to ourselves where are they? That's the logic of the editor who says, if I talk about four centers people will say where are they?

(Q - ??: and when he then tells us with his literary side, that the spiral is entirely on the orthogonal, that's his literary side...)

MB : so it's there, but I'm going to be frank, I'm not, I'm not here to tell jokes, I was asked the question in writing, with the thickness of the line, the thing, ... or how can a spiral be entirely... so an orthogonal, I conceive a straight line, do we agree? is that what that means?

(Q - ??: yes, yes,...)

MB : so for me, I don't know how we can make a spiral entirely on a straight line, I don't understand, honestly I don't know what that means. I looked for it... I don't know what that means, I don't understand. If someone tells me it is entirely on the orthogonal, oh well ok, ok why not, but I don't understand what that means! That's it, I'm clear, I don't understand.

(Q - ??: Michel, you understand our disappointment on this subject...)

MB : well I hope you understand that as a counterweight to the burden that disappointment represents for you, I hope you understand to what extent I am making efforts to help you think differently. I hope you understand that, at least I wouldn't have done all that for nothing. I am trying to take you towards another method of reasoning, towards another way of functioning, than this eternal incantation of madits, yes but such madit, such madit...
I try to allow you to open the way to a much freer and much more personal reflection.