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23/04/2022 - Conférence #1 Part 2 - 1:25:20 20: Concept of 12th enigma - Remains and Concepts

(Q - Airyn: page 58 of the 3rd edition where there are at least 2 paragraphs on the 12th riddle and which explains that there is indeed a 12th riddle, which we find at the end of the 11th and that it is resolved with elements which are called remainders and which remain, that was in the 3rd edition.)

MB : yes well that's not how it works.

(Q - Judie: is it precisely this notion of the 12th enigma and remainders, in fact he could have used it even if it had ultimately been found in a completely conventional way, without going towards absurd things. Could he have said, you see you used a notion, a concept already encountered in such an enigma so it's a leftover?)< br />
MB : I don't know how to say it, the day the owl will be found and with the solutions I won't be able to justify that. You know, the third edition, if I remember correctly it is that of Michel Lafon, and what is remarkable, it surprised me when I saw the book because I had not been warned of that, it is that... but what really reveals who had become, at that moment, the character Max Valentin, is that he was using this book at that time to advertise his other hunts, which does not wasn't our initial deal.
But hey, his concerns were elsewhere, the character had been established, he existed, he had positioned himself on concepts and it was no longer possible for him to go back.
So it's not a real lie, I told you earlier, we can keep this concept of Super Solution, but it's the 11th enigma, it's at the end of the 11th enigma. We solve the text, the riddle as it appears in the book and then we use what we need to use.

(Q - Tina: isn't it a question of vocabulary Michel?)

MB : it's a question of concept. When we have conceptualized elements called specifications, which are called transition keys, remainders, Super Solution we can no longer get out of it. When you have written 100,000 answers to 100,000 questions, you can no longer cope. He could no longer say otherwise, he could not say otherwise.
And he had enough poise and chatter...once again when I said with a little humor in the portrait I made of him that he was a peddler, and that he sold very well his sauce, he could very well have demonstrated and explained, but yes, but if you understand, ultimately, well yes the remainders why not, since in any case, when we have solved the 11 enigmas, we have knowledge of these 11 riddles.
It's the story of lentils and salt, when you've made the recipe once, you don't need to look at the recipe a second time.
When we have solved the 11 puzzles we know that there are certain things that we have used, we always have them in mind, we understand, we hit immediately, they are not called leftovers, things put aside , these are things that we have seen pass by, that we have used, that have presented themselves, we understand and we come to grips with them but this notion of wanting to cut things into slices, to put things aside, to leave reserving afterwards is completely misleading.
That's what makes people look for so much stuff and finally, when they've found it, they'll look again, because they've found it but it doesn't exactly match that. They don't have any leftovers, they don't understand where the leftovers are, so they say to themselves, there's something I'm missing.

(Q - Judie: is this the remaining concept that needs to be revisited?)

MB : it must be eliminated, not revisited. It does not exist, the remainders do not exist.

(Q - Judie: no, but in Max Valentin's head when he talked about leftovers, and even in the hunters' heads at the beginning, these were things that the hunters had encountered while solving the puzzles)

MB : so I don't know the other hunts he did afterwards, there were perhaps really leftovers, things to find and put aside it's possible, I don't know how the other hunts worked .