Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 01:03:40: Creation of the hunt - Calibration

(Q - ??: we're talking about imagination, I mentioned the fact, Michel, that Max at that time, he built this hunt, he had at his disposal, stories such than those of Tintin or Coco Island, could we say that the hunt is scripted, does it tell a story, a bit like these stories ultimately, at least in its first part, the easy part, is there some sort of story being told, or a common thread?)

MB : then the story that is told and that is why Father Méhus is interesting, the story is that of Father Méhus, it is the way in which Régis Hauser, at the time, had packaged the product, I sell laundry detergent, what do I put on the package, what do I write on the package, well I write a story of Father Méhus. that's his creation on how to sell the product.
In other words to get the reader's adrenaline pumping, the reader who reads well there you go, I found a paper, I looked for it, so we have the impression that we are reading a story, then all of a sudden the guy he says I haven't found it, then we give him the elements, now it's up to you to find.
Suddenly the reader becomes an actor, that was what he had planned, that was what he had concocted, which he did not know how to redo when we left together, or he was too lazy to redo it, anyway the text he produced concerning me is a text without much interest, anyway the text is placed there, we don't really know why, we are talking about Michel Becker okay ok very good, we talk about treasure hunting ok fine, but there is no real correlation with the story of the owl itself.
On the other hand, the initial project was the story of Father Méhus, so he had considered selling it like that, after once he had designed the packaging he said hey, in the packaging what's there, in the packaging there are riddles and a treasure to find, an egg, for him it was an egg, well there you go, we'll see what the sponsor, when I find it, can come up with for us, precisely .
So in the package he put some riddles, the riddles that he concocted which are very, very good, then the key moment of these riddles is when we arrive at the cache, and then we say to ourselves here's this shot - there, we find everything, we dig, we win.
And he found himself confronted with the eternal problem of treasure hunts: how long should it last, what is the value of the prize, what will the sponsor ask me? Because initially the hunt was designed to have a sponsor, it was not designed to have a weirdo like me who financed without asking too many questions. So the sponsor would have said I want to sell my product, then I want my campaign to last for so long, I expect this objective, I want to achieve such objectives.
And he had taken it into his head to calibrate his hunt, which he was absolutely incapable of doing, because no one had ever done it, him least of all, and he had no idea how to do it. to calibrate.
As a good salesman and that's what he told me, that's what he said in any case to the sponsors in front of me, he said I'm going to calibrate the flush, I'm going to review the calibration of the flush because it shouldn't be found too quickly, which was a no-brainer, since he had no tools to do it. So he constructed his enigmas I would say in a fairly basic, fairly classic way, he was once again someone who did surprise rallies, things like that, so he based himself on the knowledge that he had something.