Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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24/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 41 - 02:05:40 :40: Cache - It is relatively flat

(Q - ??: speaking of land and one meter all that, Max had said if a treasure was buried on a slope, with the passing years it could move precisely one meter or so For example, is this terrain suitable for that and could it move?)

MB : my friends, Max has smoked you out in considerable proportions... why does that interest us? This is a notion that does not interest us! The treasure has not migrated, I assure you, it has not moved, it is still in the same place.

(Q - ?? ; know if it is steep or flat?)

MB : yes that's it, do you want me to give you the degree of inclination of the land? No I'm not going to answer you, it has been said that the area where the location is, the area call it what you want where the cache is located, is more or less flat, we leave it there.