Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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24/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 41 - 01:55:55 :55: SS - Comparison with Champollion - Déclic

(Q - Nabil: Max says in his madits that when we arrive near the cache, in 30 seconds we find the pile-pile, can you confirm that?)< /u>

MB : Max said that certain puzzles were at level 1 and that doesn't seem to be everyone's opinion, so no, no, I don't agree with that at all.

(Q - Nabil: so for you it takes time and...)

MB : I said it takes time.

(Q - Nabil: you can't imagine that someone who has the Super Solution, who has really understood everything from A to Z...and that it doesn't take much for him to find where to carry his shovel ?)

MB : I told someone not long ago that in my opinion, if an owl finds the Super Solution today, he is at the level of a Champollion when he has succeeded in deciphering the hieroglyphs. That is to say that there is a brain on
(Q - Navil: and this gentleman will need more than, it will take him perhaps 3 hours to find where to carry his shovel?)

MB : I think that he will have found it before going to carry his shovel and that when he has carried his shovel, he will know where to carry it (bring it?). And I think that for someone who hasn't picked up on that, they can spend a lot of time there and find nothing.

(Q - Nabil: and that's very interesting. So in fact the Super Solution could be in several stages so, we can have a little piece of Super Solution...)

MB : no, no, no, but I didn't say that. The deciphering of hieroglyphs was not done in several stages. There was a moment, there was an overlap, tock, tock, tock, that's it, that's it, we understood. That's the Super Solution, it's not steps, it's a trigger, it's a moment where we grasp, we grasp the thing, we understand what needs to be done and there it is , it speaks.

(Q - Nabil: I don't understand why there can be 2 inventors, one who understands the end perfectly and one who on the ground will potentially have...)

MB : there cannot be 2 inventors, or there is things currently stand I mean, if I am required to give other information it could change the configuration of the game, it could lead to another form of approach but in the current state of things, I consider that the game could only be found by an extremely, I would be tempted to say original, mind, I don't know if that's the good word but a little bit outside the usual criteria, I'm not saying outside the norm, I'm saying outside the usual criteria and who will say there is something to find and who will make the find.

( Q - Nabil: should I be worried if from my armchair I know exactly what to do, maybe I don't have the right Super Solution since I know exactly what to do and I have the impression that it won't take me long?)

MB : if you told me this evening what to do and you are still in your chair, it is because you do not have the right solution. The good solution is so, I mean this trigger, it's so,... it's such a big trigger, it's really something where..., I day when someone is going to think about it it's going to happen. to say ""but damn, damn, damn, that's it, of course that's it, of course.
There are already people today who are in this spirit, but every day I receive emails, letters, things, messages which tell me I am absolutely certain of having found, if I tell you that you Go figure what I found. There are plenty of people who are sure, sure, sure, 2000, 3000, 4000, 8000% but from the moment someone even takes the trouble to write to me that they are sure, it It's not good.
Someone who has found it will write to me, they will go there.