Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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07/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 36 - 16:55 : Additional help - 30 years of the Owl

(Q - ??: could this concept be part of the help you envision on a canvas?)

MB : yes. So I said the other day that I am preparing tools, elements that we will be able to use a little a la carte to continue to exchange in the future. My point is not so much to help or to give additional indications, it is mainly to clear the land, that is to say to allow the elimination of things which must be eliminated. There are still a certain number of them and we cannot eliminate them easily because we have to do it in such a way that it doesn't ruin the game, so it can't be done with an axe, we have to work finer than that. Indeed a visual can be..., perhaps certain texts in a specific context, but not in the manner of madits. I'm preparing a lot of things around this, that's why I'm very busy at the moment, it's a big job, but I'm making good progress and I think it's likely, I won't I'm not sure because I'm waiting to see how one or the other will start to work, I see that it's evolving quite quickly, there are more and more people on the Discord, more exchanges that are more precise, targeted, and that through the humor which is present, there are lots of things which are said and which reveal a change of mind and at a given moment, there is an incubation which takes place, I don't want to go too fast, but if I realize that it's not yet enough to go further, when the time comes I'll move, when the time comes we'll give ourselves until the owl's 30th birthday. A lot of people are talking, something will come out of it, new answers will emerge to questions that had remained more or less vague, things are becoming clearer, and despite not having a bad knowledge of the solutions for some, I have a very good knowledge of what's happening at the moment on the Discord and things are moving in the right direction. We've almost reached the end of the questions, I've blown away a few bad leads, I've reframed a lot of people and we have to move on to something else if necessary.