Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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07/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 36 - 13:40 : SS - A notion in a riddle has not been captured by anyone

(Q - ?? – elements scattered over several puzzles or rather beginning/end of the hunt?)

MB : [laughs] could you spell it? no, there is a concept in particular that I am thinking about and no one has been interested in it until now and I remain very surprised by that, very, very surprised because sincerely on a personal level, I who am a philistine in matters treasure hunting, as much as treasure hunting stories fascinate me, looking for treasures doesn't interest me, solving puzzles isn't really my thing but what if I were to be interested in a hunt and I found myself there above I don't think it would seem trivial to me and paradoxically no one has really looked into this. I haven't seen this anywhere. I've seen allusions, mentions, people who picked up on the thing in passing but didn't go deep into it and it definitely exists in the puzzles. There are still things to find.

(Q - ??: is that a word Michel?)

MB : we're deviating here... there is a notion in one of the enigmas that no one has really grasped, the significance of which no one has grasped and in which no one has been sufficiently interested, really no one, and yet it makes sense, it is very important, even decisive one could say.

(Q - ??: maybe it's the 560 then)

MB : I don't think like that, I think of the concept itself not of the enigma where it is included or the enigmas where it is included? My point is not at all to make fun of you by trying to tell you things without saying it, my point is to change the way of reasoning, I assure you that it works, I said it earlier Today, many things are being called into question and put into perspective. Then I tell you there is a concept which has completely escaped, which has passed through the sieve so complete and this one you will have to take an interest in one of these four, otherwise it will fail you.< br />