Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/04/2022 - Enregistrement 20 Part 2 - 40:15 : Clues - It's all in the Book

(Q - ??: when you say that everything is in the book, but what are we talking about? There's so much of everything, there's a bunch of charades, there's "search"", I don't know...)

MB : I think about what I should answer in an intelligent and if possible coherent way, I don't want to give a worldly answer or just for fun. When I say, and I repeat, that everything is in the book, that means that it is not necessarily necessary to go looking from noon to 2 p.m.
That means that in the book, there are a lot of things, a priori, there is everything you need to solve the hunt.
Well we can allow ourselves to look on the internet, in dictionaries,…
Not only do we authorize ourselves, but it is almost essential in relation to a certain number of terms used and things mentioned, we do not all have a culture like that, we are not all omniscient so we obviously need, 'go look for a little bit of references, look for elements of understanding, that's completely logical. But everything is in the book, which means that there are really a lot of things in the book, there is really everything you need to find the solution.
Not necessarily the great solution, which may require a little more than a simple reading, which may require more imagination, cleverness, intelligence but otherwise, that means it's not as complex as that. and that by basing ourselves on the book and then by searching where we want, today we have the choice, the elements that we do not know, we say to ourselves well what does this word mean, I don't know this term, we look for what it means, we understand, it's good and that's it.
There is nothing perverse either in your question, or in my answer for that matter, that means that the book itself is designed to allow someone who struggles with their brains a little to find .

(Q - ??: does this imply that we underestimate the book a little or that we underuse it?)

MB : that means that you underestimate certain sentences in the book yes. And curiously I notice that attention is focused on certain elements of the book which are eminently important, and that on the contrary there are things which are completely overlooked and I am surprised. Well there anyway...

(Q - ??: I've been looking for a while and for 15 years I had to read the first 20 pages twice but for fifteen years I only stuck to the riddle pages because it was written in black and white)

MB : these are the pages we are talking about. And in these pages, there are really things which are completely overlooked, which are not at all examined, for what I hear, what I read,... on the discord these elements, it there are things that are not at all, at all peeled, things that really get through.
Sentences, we're going to say sentences, we're going to say it like that, things that completely get through. No one ever asks the question, I tell myself, but they are overwhelmed, they rack their brains for things and then they don't see, they don't look.

(Q - ??: when you say it's missing the point, that means the person who saw these winks in the puzzles or you saw in the solutions that you regularly receive that people who saw things?)

MB : I have to explain something to you, when I talk about literature what I'm talking about: when I say that Max was literary, I'm referring to the power, to the impact that words can have on people. listeners who receive them or readers who read them, that’s actually what I’m talking about.
We must consider that when we listen, for example I like this example, because we are dealing with texts which are infinitely measured, calculated, analyzed, when we listen to political speeches, we hear two things happening, there is the character who plays, that is to say the possibly political leader who delivers the speech and there are the words themselves, how they are chosen, how they are posed, how they are chanted, what tonic accents we can put there, how they are pronounced and well in the book of the Golden Owl there are sentences, there are words which have importance, and for some of them, I say importance, that means that if we stop there, something will happen, we will start to think about something and for some of them they completely go by the wayside, no one talks about it, no one seems to see them, that's it what I mean.
I tried to help you here and it is to tell you to look at the texts differently, to try to see them differently, to try to ask yourself other questions about these texts than the one you are used to. to settle down.

(Q - ??: that’s clear)

MB : I don't know if it's clear but it's encouraging in any case.

(Q - ??: I think for me in any case it is clear, but what I wanted to say is that, if someone has seen, we will say 70, 80% of these winks, this literary sense which is a little hidden in the words, by encouraging others to see these things, do we not risk a little betraying the person who found it -even? That means if you had seen things like that in the solutions you received, I specify that I never sent you a solution, I am speaking in a general way, that is to say, if you had seen things, that someone has put their finger on a lot of things of this caliber, so by saying that, by encouraging others to follow the same path, is it not fair to the person who found it on her own, without a second thought just to know?)

MB : my answer is very simple, no one saw that, practically no one was interested in it, no one really noticed it, no one looked into the term, no one tried to find out, or the terms in question, no one has tried to find out what it could possibly mean.

(Q - ??: and we have that in all versions, in the versions of the Specifications too?)

MB : we have this in all editions, there are no exceptions, all editions are at the same level at this level.

(Q - ??: can I try to cite an example? Well everyone looks for the light, we are focused on the light but on the other hand we don't go looking for the darkness which shines, is that that it's things like that for example, all our attention is on the light but not on the darkness?)

MB : there are many of you who ask yourself questions about light and there are relatively many of whom say that you do not ask yourself questions about darkness, but there are still many more of you who do not ask yourself questions about this at all. to which I am referring.
I'll help you anyway, casually!