Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 39:50: No false highway tracks

(Q - ??: is there a motorway track?)

MB : you are referring to the words of Max Valentin in the madits, the highway track, ... the false tracks

(Q - ??: in fact I found a clue, I think it's the wrong one, but in fact it cuts a lot of enigmas, it cuts a lot of enigmas, there are a sort of trick to cut through a lot of riddles, it's really eloquent and I tell myself that I arrived too quickly, I should have taken the small paths...)< br />
MB : no, no, in my opinion that cannot exist. Frankly, you know, I keep coming back to the same theme of the character of Max Valentin, he was a little gargling at one point with words, he used these concepts, all these ideas that the owls gave him, the Super Solutions, the leftovers, the highway track, the false tracks, the things.
He used it so much that frankly it has taken on a scale today that is very, very far from reality.
There is no motorway track, no false motorway track, there is not at all a route that some people could follow in a way,... in all joy, saying to themselves I'm all right, I'm fine, I'll continue, it doesn't exist.
If you don't have everything right, you'll notice very quickly.

(Q - ??: Isn't there a way to know if we're in the right direction or not? I have something that tells me, basically, if I'm going in the right direction or not, an indication that allows me to know if I am in the right direction or not...)

MB : that's what all players expect from me, so if you found something like that it might interest me, I don't think it exists today and one of the things I would like to succeed in doing, but I don't yet know how, it's precisely to give some points of reference which make it possible to eliminate, to prevent all the people who go astray from going too far.
To give them the possibility, at a given moment, to say to themselves, well, I'm going to crash it, it's okay, I'll go back another way.
But to my knowledge, it doesn't exist.