Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 01:14:15: Don't dig if things aren't explained

(Q - ??: the puzzles are short, the words are there, re-examined, there is a concept that we don't have but there are things that we don't always have not explained, we hope that the concept plus the elements that remain can help us to get the trigger?)

MB : what you say is very interesting, if you are able to say that there are things that you have not explained, there is no point in digging into it, it is important .

(Q - ??: you have already explained it when we are faced with the Super Solution, you said that the doubt is there but should not take us...)

MB : doubt is a completely human and manageable doubt, it means okay what am I going to do and then at one point we say to ourselves okay I'm doing that, it's a choice, we operate a choice, we have a doubt and at the end we make a choice but that is within everyone's reach. What is less within everyone's reach is to get there and say, this is what I mentioned a little by saying it's more the questions we ask ourselves in relation to the Great solution that the solution we provide. Once the question is clear, the answer will eventually arrive.