Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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13/10/2022 - Enregistrement n° 44 - 55:00 : SS and click - Not within the reach of young children

(Q – MacDo: I want to introduce my daughter to hunting, if I only give her the 650, does it work or not, can she…I know it have to deploy the Super Solution at some point, so be in the right place, just let her play with the 650, would she be able to find something?)

MB : do you think your question is complete?

(Q – McDonald’s: what did I forget…)

MB : she is 3 years old, 10 years old, 30 years old,…how old is she?

(Q – McDonald’s: she’s 10 years old)

MB : she is 10 years old? You will make her dream…but she may not be very useful to you…

(Q – McDonald’s: okay, you still need a skill…)

MB : no, no, no, that's not the right word, you conclude too quickly, you used the term skills, it's not a question of skills, it's just a question of knowledge and imagination, nuance…

(Q – McDonald’s: it’s full of imagination…)

MB : yes but it will not have the competence that you may have on certain subjects, or simply the knowledge

(Q - ??: that said in 5 years it should be fine…, the 6th, the 5th…)

MB : then, strangely, compared to the general culture of a 15 year old child today and the general culture of a 15 year old child in 1993, a 15 year old child in 1993 could perhaps have reacted a little a little more, a little better in certain elements, than a 15 year old child today, because there are things that have changed since then.
I'm not talking about place or anything at all, I'm not talking about the level of culture that young people have today and that they had at 15 in 1993.

(Q - ??: in school programs for example?)

MB : no.

(Q – McDonald’s: the culture of the time you mean?)

MB : yes culture of the time, in the society of the time and the society of today...there have been changes.