Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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13/10/2022 - Enregistrement n° 44 - 36:45 : Click - On the last 2 puzzles - No mega-trick

(Q – MacDo: I have a little absurd reasoning for you, you tell us that there is a concept that escapes us, at the same time you tell us that the first 9 were solved, can we logically deduce that this concept is not linked to the first 9 puzzles but clearly to the 2 remaining puzzles?)

MB : of course I told you that there was no Mega Tip on all these puzzles. This concept of Mega Tip which has circulated for years saying that from one enigma to another... the Mega Astuce as a tool which allows you to chain the puzzles or I don't know what, to connect the puzzles, use whatever term you want, it doesn't exist. So this notion of trigger, of tip, I don't call it Mega Tip because it's a tip, obviously it's at the end.

(Q- McDonald's: okay and that's what you call the concept that hasn't been addressed by the hunters today?)

MB : that’s part of it, yes.