Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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13/10/2022 - Enregistrement n° 44 - 33:15 : 650 - order of numbers 71721075

(Q - minicos: on the specifications of Father Méhus, there are inversions, for example the sequence of letters in this order, there was an imposition to put the letters in this order and other sequences which are not in order I give the sequence 71721075, this one you did not have an order to put, that would mean that we could put them in scattered order on the page, that there is no apparent order to this series of figures.)

MB : I had an order to place which is not the same as the previous one.

(Q – minicos: yes there was the inversion 75/57, but there were commas between the figures, there were no details in the Specifications, like the… )

MB : no but commas, wait, wait, when you write to someone “Dear Sir, on the line”, he will read “Dear Sir” he will not read “comma”…

(Q – minicos: I understood but in the 580 you had to put letters in a certain order according to the specifications it specified “in this order” on the other hand for the 650, it does not specify “in this order”?)

MB : no I remember perfectly, having the different versions in front of me, when I had the last version, I asked him to clarify for me since the order of the last 2 had been reversed, you reversed the last 2 is -what is that, he said yes. This is the memory I have on this specific point.

(Q – minicos: it works in both versions, and you couldn’t have put the numbers in another order?)

MB : that's not what I couldn't have done, I could have done what I wanted but I respected what was asked of me. If your question was to say if today we put them in another order, I won't answer.

(Q – minicos: if you had put them scattered in the visual, you don’t respond either)

MB : he hadn't necessarily asked me to align them the way I aligned them, I could perhaps have spaced them a little more, but from the moment there is an order, this order had to be apparent to the reader's eye.

(Q – minicos: okay so precision “in this order” or non-precision is the same for you?)

MB : no it's not the same for me, I'm just saying that I respected what was asked of me, he had initially written in this order, I no longer have in mind the wording of all that, but he gave me figures in an order, then order that I respected in my table, that's what I want to tell you.

(Q – minicos: I understand your answer but you do not completely answer my question {laughs]…)

MB : you won't pull the wool over my eyes [laughs] I understood your question well.