Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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13/10/2022 - Enregistrement n° 44 - 28:40 : Pere Méhu - The puzzles lead to the same place

(Q- schliemann: regarding the hunt of Father Méhus that you published, you are now affirmative on the fact that it is the same hunt, therefore it leads to the same cache, the different stages are the same, same light, same spiral, same nave, simply, in the egg of Father Méhus, the specifications that you published, in the enigmas, the formulations are a little different and sometimes give details that the 'we don't have in the Golden Owl, there are certain owls who use this information which is in Father Méhus' egg, to help themselves in the Golden Owl, it's fair game, can we trust the information in Father Méhus's Egg to find the Golden Owl?)

MB : I understand the question, Father Méhus is indeed the first version of what became the Chouette d’Or, it was the initial text. At the time when I published the Cahiers Secrets, I did not have the solutions, I absolutely did not know if I was going to have them one day anyway, and so at the time when I published that, I I said to myself, the fact of publishing the various versions will perhaps allow some people who have an understanding of the game that I do not have, since once again, I recognize that I am not a researcher, that didn't have the same interest for me, I said to myself for people who are very knowledgeable, who have gone through all of that, maybe it will unlock them.
And that was really my intention. Today, when I reconsider these texts, this time having the solutions, I say to myself, in the end, we are in exactly the same mechanism as when we analyze the text of a riddle and work on synonyms. When we say, for example, what did he mean, we look for that word, we look for a synonym, an explanation, to try to clarify our thoughts a little, and to move in the right direction.
So in fact, it is a little bit at that level that it is located and it corresponds to... I would say a mode of expression which at one time was the intention of Max Valentin and which afterwards, taking into account elements that have changed in the context of the hunt, the sponsor initially, me secondly, finally modified its texts a little, a little the terms used, but in any case the target is always the same.

(Q- schliemann: yes but sometimes he is still much more precise in his riddles. For example for the 650, he says “take off, and fly North North East 11°, 8000 measurements further on the 3 sentinels are waiting for you”: is this information still valid in the Chouette d’Or or should you definitely not take this information into account?)

MB : no they are still valid, there was no… Once again the enigmas all lead, whatever the version we consider in the same place.