Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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13/10/2022 - Enregistrement n° 44 - 20:05 : Hunting - The puzzles are all to be solved - No shortcuts

(Q – minicos: a question on what the trick could be, you say that there are 9 puzzles to solve plus the last 2, is it possible that there is a big hoax , from the start, on the fact that we solve riddles, which do not need to be solved, that there is a trick which ensures that there is a direct shortcut towards the end [MB: no , no,...] wait I would like to clarify, for example to find my time you just have to be wise, because the truth will not be a matter for soothsayers...could we imagine that that, ultimately it is not a story of a riddle and that there is something else to find that eludes us, ...that our heads are spinning, that there is something else to find directly?)< br />
MB : are there false leads or not false leads?

(Q – minicos: no false trails, a story of enigmas which in fact lead to…yes let's call it a false trail of 9 enigmas which lead us a little that way while the method is any other and from the start by clicking?)

MB : no, no, no we’re not there yet, no. The work that Max Valentin had done was well done, whether the hunting had a certain level or another is not the debate, but he did some serious work...

(Q – minicos: I’m not questioning that he did serious work, I’m just saying…)

MB : wait, I understand, but he did that at a time when his only experience was having done a few surprise rallies, when you do a surprise rally it doesn't last very long, the guys are in cars, they are not all able to produce high-intensity intellectual work, so it's something well done, it works, we get there, we do this,... the surprise rally was the basis on which it was built. supported to create his first hunt, he did it with care and the mechanism that occurred with my paintings, all the more so because he talked about it, he thought he had to comment on what I had done , my paintings were overinterpreted, we wanted to find much more than what was there, but he, on the other hand, did the same thing with his enigmas.
And he did it knowingly…

(Q – minicos: okay, the answer is important, I give an example, you give an exercise to kids, you give a statement with 4 questions, the first is trace a point, the second is to draw another point, the 3rd makes the line between the 2 points and the 4th if you have understood the statement correctly, the copy remains blank, it would be something like that, there you confirm that there is still a use to all the puzzles?)

MB : of course.

(Q – minicos: ok, there's not a trick like that that would make you say damn it but of course, we've been taken for a ride, but in fact we have to interested there a use to all the puzzles?)

MB : yes I am categorical, absolutely.

(Q – Sylvain: we still fear for a hunt rated at 13.5/20, …)

MB : no, no, it's not the hunting that is in question, it's its history, it's what happened afterwards, it's not the hunting itself, it's what happened next.

(Q - ??: it’s still something clever all the same…)

MB : yes but understand that the duration over which the madits took place, the production of the madits, the use that was made of them, the long period of obscurantism during which no one knew the solutions, was not sure of nothing, and where the mad people had a good life, because ultimately there was only that to hold on to, this whole period anchored them in the collective mind and everyone refers to that, it is extremely difficult, it would almost be necessary, it's almost as if I were asking you to change language, to speak another language, all things considered, but it's difficult to get rid of the attitude, the reflex that we have could have had and this perpetual reference to the madits and that is what greatly complicates the debate...and the research.

(Q – Sylvain: yet I am not an old player, I have not been polluted by that and I also block…)

MB : how long have you been hunting?

(Q – Sylvain: a few months…)

MB : a few months? We are not stuck after a few months, we are in the thing, you don't believe that the owl is found in a few have to work a little will be stuck if in 1 or 2 years you don't haven't made any progress, you'll have to say yes, I'm completely blocked, but in my opinion you won't be blocked.
No, no, we still have to grind. You still used the Internet database, you used a lot of elements that did not come from you, so you cannot say that you are blocked...if everything came from you, yes,...

(Q – Sylvain: and by the way, on this subject, I thank all the former players for the primary decryptions…)

MB : all the contributors, absolutely, we must thank them of course