Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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13/10/2022 - Enregistrement n° 44 - 13:50 : 650 - 71721075 can only be understood after the click and has only one possible solution

(Q – Sarah Vargas: is it possible that I can't understand the numbers but can get my last 2 indications on the spot?)

MB : [direct] no. It is not possible. The numbers (71721075) we can only understand them if we have had the trigger, we need this trigger that we were talking about with Roc, this international, polyglot trigger... No seriously there is something to understand, and behind the rest goes 'to chain.

(Q – Sarah Vargas: it's important for me, because I focused on a specific idea that convinced me enough, and then finally I really ask myself the question and I try suddenly to find this famous question, to generate this famous trigger)

MB : I would say in fact that when we think we have solved this question of numbers, if we estimate that there could be another possibility, then we are wrong. When we have really solved them, we understand that there is no other possibility, then we are really sure. But if we say to ourselves, indeed, if by doing otherwise I can still use them, it’s because we haven’t had the click.
That’s interesting, isn’t it? When we have resolved this question of numbers, we must not...the numbers, once we have resolved the question of numbers, we must not be able to do anything else with them. We understood, we said “well that’s it, that’s it, that’s it and nothing else, it can’t be anything else”.

(Q - aladore: there is only one understanding of numbers?)

MB : yes. Even in your head, I say this to avoid excesses, unnecessary kilometers and whatever else you want. In all conscience, honesty, you say to yourself, my solution could be taken differently, if (don't see a clue about this term) we manipulated, interpreted, deciphered, understood the figures differently, if you admit in your head that there could be another formula, then it's not good.