Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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13/10/2022 - Enregistrement n° 44 - 08:00 : IS - New index

(Q - Syn: between the pages it's related to the 5th don't understand...)

MB : listen, sincerely, there is no subliminal message, you have to stay, I don't want you, I never let the subject deviate on ellipsis, which was a great technique of the madits, I don't like it too much.
Keep it simple, the way we must understand "everything is in the book", that means that everything is written or represented in the visuals, everything is there, with that, there is what is needed. After the elements which caused the blockage, it's a bit, if we compare the curses to a form of virus, it's very fashionable at the moment, well at some point we will need a small vaccine, a small sting to counter the effects of the virus.
That's what I'm working on, I've done it up until now, I think, roughly in line with the need, as much as it could be done vocally, afterwards if I have to go further, it will go through other methods, because in vocal words do not allow us to respond, to give, let's say, coded information, as a visual can do for example. And if the information is not encoded, there is a big risk that at some point, the game will be corrupted, it's like a cooking recipe, it doesn't matter much for it to be perfect, if it's too salty, not enough this, or not enough that, it's ruined.
On the other hand, we must be very precise, I think today, of what I hear from the exchanges as I listened to earlier, of what I read in the messages that circulate, frankly the reflection of the all players are evolving in the right direction.