Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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13/10/2022 - Enregistrement n° 44 - 46:05 : SS and click - No transposition of numbers/letters - Too banal

(Q – ??: you said earlier that no one had the trigger, I thought I had, but here I am a little disappointed, my trigger was transform years into a series of letters, I was 6 years old, I converted them into letters, you confirm that it's not that…)

MB : you are, if you want, there is no change of gear, you continue things that were practiced during the previous enigmas, in a transposition diagram, of what you want, that's is banal, you need imagination, you need to get out of a context that is “comfortable” for owls because that is their usual form of mind.
In fact you are challenged by Max Valentin because you are stepping out of your comfort zone. Even if you are very good at deciphering, even if you are... whatever you want, there, if you don't have the imagination, if you don't make the right discovery, if you don't have a particularly sharp eye on certain things, you miss it.