Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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23/04/2022 - Conférence #1 Part 1 - 1:30:43 43: Concepts - No Passage Key

MB : We move on to the notion of keys to passing puzzles. Every time we attack a concept like that, we will talk about the remainders, we will talk about the Mega Tip and we will talk about the Super Solution, you will not be disappointed, every time we talk about that we realize that this notion of passage key, like the notion of specifications which absolutely did not exist at the start of the game, appeared, at a given moment, in the mouth of Max Valentin, under the keyboard of Max Valentin because the questions led to answers several times, are there sequences from one enigma to another, a way to know if we are linking well.
And it's a bit like one of the questions that was asked to me earlier. I answer you clearly, apart from one or two enigmas which follow one another, we will say in a way which nevertheless remains completely logical, there is no key passage between the enigmas it does not exist .
There is no passage key, there is no mechanism that allows us to move from one enigma to another, there is none, you can question me as much as you want , there isn't and I won't make you believe there is. We move on to one riddle, we solve the riddle, we move on to the other, you asked me earlier if there could be the same place for several riddles..., a priori the hunt is very good done, there is no doubt, everything comes together well and it is quite logical. But if we start looking for a little mechanism that could validate the fact that we are right, then we start to waste time and that's a bit what happens with many things.
Do you have any comments on this Judie?

(Q - Judie: that means that in fact, Max has designed a hunt which is, all in all, a good hunt, which holds up well, is correctly constructed from start to finish, and when it is he finally found himself on the minitel answering people's questions which he had perhaps underestimated...)

MB : He had not suspected the density of Minitel work, that's for sure, on Minitel exchanges.

(Q - Judie: and so at that moment he created his character as a master of the game where he took to the game of being the only one to have the solutions to his hunt , to be the only one who could answer the questions and perhaps he really liked being asked to this extent and finally he finished building his hunt with the owls' questions?)

MB : exactly, exactly.

(Q - Judie: but he also added the things that that means that he in his head in your opinion, would he have invented at that time the concept of passage keys or would he have said to himself, oh yes indeed, now that someone tells me, there could be an element which from this enigma to that enigma could make a link?)

MB : it's not that he said to himself there could be an element, it's that he said to himself we can explain it like that. I tell you again that he was a literary person so he was looking for the right word, the most colorful synonym, the most flattering, the most whatever you want, he liked to play with words, look for words, use the most eloquent words , as colorful as possible and therefore this notion of moving from one enigma to another, at one point he said yes there is a passenger key then after well, well there is a passage key.
And then it became the answer, he made his little answer sheets in fact with these concepts including yes passage key, so we understand moving from one riddle to another, but without ever realizing what I was able to measure, the impact that it has on you, on the players and on the imagination of the players, because that's heavy, when you tell someone if I say yes there is a passage key, you will look for it, you will look for it.

(Q - Judie: in no-micro 3 it discusses precisely the first edition of the book where it is noted that it would be a question of the keys is passing in the first pages in the first edition before Max Valentin ...)

MB : it's literature, it's each enigma is a key that opens the next one for you. I don't know how it's written anymore, it's literature. I tell you mechanically in this hunt there is no key to passage between the enigmas, it's clear, clear, precise, so don't look for one. Afterwards everyone does what they want, but me as the "new master of the game" I hate this title, but I don't follow this scheme.

(Q - Judie: so that means that each puzzle could ultimately be solved independently?)

MB : practically, I think not all of them, I would have to review my copy on the puzzles, once again I am not experienced in solving puzzles, I am experienced in solutions but not in solving puzzles, but practically most can be resolved distinctly from each other, of course.
But we only understand its impact or scope if we have made the journey. It is certain that if we take a riddle ex nihilo like that in the middle, then we solve the charade or the rebus or we decipher I don't know what, well ok we have in a certain way solved the riddle and we can do nothing do it since it is not part of a logic and a sequence.
So in fact there is still a link between the enigmas, indisputably and I believe that there are one or two where actually the solution of one allows us to better understand the other, to better understand the 'other but it stops there, it is not systematic, there is no key, mechanical, systematic between the enigmas.