Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 01:13:30: There is a general understanding (consensus) on the first 9 puzzles

(Q - ??: you are waiting for the response of an owl who is close to the end, is that what we conclude?)

MB : no, not at all, I'm waiting to see my words act, influence the understanding of the gear change. The progression, overall, well there are some who are in the sauerkraut, but there is a majority of people who have understood a certain number of enigmas, who have solved a certain number of enigmas, I would say that the logic of 9 first enigmas, it emerges little by little, there is certain consensus, certain things which come out, there are different schools, there are 2 or 3 main tendencies of agreement, but overall there is a general understanding around of that.
On the other hand, when we approach the notion of Super Solution, linked to the notion of Mega Tip, of leftovers, of all that then we enter completely, for me, into something esoteric. As a player I wouldn't be able to understand anything about that, that's why I try to influence.

(Q - ??: we don't have much left, I see this inscription with the shovel, we have to attack it)

MB : we have to attack everything I agree.