Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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23/04/2022 - Conférence #1 Part 1 - 1:40:25 25: Concepts - No Mega-Trick

MB : there are no remainders but it's not just we're going to talk about the Mega Tip...There is no Mega Tip, it's the same thing, Everyone is looking for a Mega trick that will be a sort of joker, a sort of martingale to use like that, tack, tat, it doesn't exist.
There is a trick or two in the enigmas, in the middle of the enigmas, that a certain number, that probably the greatest number have picked up, the notion of Mega Trick which would be used several times, thing and thing: trash! It does not exist. It's clear, clean and precise.
I know that it's "gloppy" for many but I can assure you that the character of Max Valentin did some damage, he's someone who created himself on the game, and he embroidered around that d 'a considerable way. So if I don't tell you, if I let you continue looking for a Mega Tip, leftovers, passage keys, you will never find it.

(Q - Judie: so these are 2 concepts that he finally invented after the publication of the hunt...)

MB : absolutely. He was literally bombarded with questions about the Minitel, that remains, I think he did the job very well at the start, and then,'s not just the Minitel, it's not just the role of Master of the game which has gone to his head. We must not forget that for 1 or 2 years, Max Valentin was only connected to the Chouette d'Or, in terms of treasure hunting.
Then after he made others, so he then had the image of Max Valentin to sell and to promote, and the Minitel, ultimately, was certainly a bit of a business card, I suppose he had to tell its customers, well there are so many hours of Minitel, everyone is connecting, it was proof that there were a lot of fans in fact on Minitel, a lot of players, it was the best way to...

(Q - Judie: precisely these other hunts, it is discussed in momicro 3, in relation to the remainders, a question which precisely questions the presence of remainders in the other hunts, because in the other hunts by Max Valentin, there were leftovers, so that would mean that ultimately he was rather inspired by what the first hunt gave to create the following ones?)

MB : not rather, totally! The Minitel was his field of experience, all his experience was on the Minitel, all the concepts he used, I already said that in vocals, all the concepts he used used come from Minitel.
There aren't any leftovers in the Owl but he liked the idea, he thought it wasn't bad and then he used it. In addition, since he used it in other hunts, it reinforced the idea that there was some in the owl.

(Q - Judie: so we served as beta testers...)

MB : there you go, I assure you that to find the cache, there is no need for remainders, there is no Mega Tip, all that does not exist.
That's why at the beginning I was a little troubled when I arrived between...Mega Tip, Super Solution,...I was a little troubled because I said to myself, wait, maybe there's - be something that escaped you.
It's true that I read the solutions, I didn't go through the whole process, maybe something I didn't understand... No, no, I understood well, and even the Super Solution, I'll tell you it doesn't exist.