Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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25/05/2022 - Enregistrement 31 - 1:12:00 00: Advancement of the owls - Puzzles solved

(Q - niorflan: my first question relates to the fact that you said that there were quite a few answers, solutions to puzzles, that you had seen, found on the Internet, I even believe that you mentioned a number, 8, 9...)

MB : Yeah it's true yeah

(Q - niorflan: can we imagine that in these solutions that you saw on the Internet, these solutions are not necessarily completely complete with a small detail that the person who found the solution , she leaves a little thing aside, which doesn't really prevent us from moving forward with the resolutions but particularly for the Super Solution or another moment, it can still be of interest or when you say that, it's because you have seen them completely resolved, complete and as you said earlier completely drained with nothing remaining)

MB : so I saw a lot of solutions, I saw a lot of solutions, not quite complete, some complete in what I was able to see but once again I don't spend my days there.
There I am referring to things that I had seen before having the solutions, if I remember correctly everything that I was able to see and today I know that in what I had seen before, there there were good things, but there was still a perverse effect which is permanent, absolutely permanent.
It is the effect of doubt and that is precisely linked to the madits and the interpretations of the madits, because I am talking to you about the madits, because there are the madits, but there is the interpretation of the madits, that would require a dictionary of interpretations, it would surely be as interesting as the madits, because it really gets people talking a lot and spilling a lot of ink, if I may say so, and so there is a perverse effect considerable on the solutions, is that everyone, almost without exception, whether the solution is good or not good, arrived at a given moment, if only if the trigger of the Super Solution does not occur, the player says to oneself "I must have something wrong" and we question it and it's so easy by repeating the truths, by looking at everything that can, could have been written around that, it's so all that, that ultimately it is doubt that concludes most of the research that players do.
And at a given moment, even if they are really well advanced, there are plenty of them who don't go any further because they doubt and they say that they also doubt.

(Q - niorflan: could we imagine that when we have the trigger, at the level of the zone and we are going to attack the super solution, that also allows us, possibly to go and do a little cleaning in our puzzles, because as you know, I think that for each puzzle we can find dozens of alternative solutions, solutions 1, 2 or 3 levels, and in fact when we have managed to have the right sequence that takes us to this place, well in fact we can go back to the puzzles and then a little eliminate everything that our imagination has constructed, the Internet has constructed, to in fact find, we will say the essence of the solutions of each enigma..)

MB : and validate what you end up with, is that it?

(Q - niorflan: validate what we end up with and roughly speaking...I'm going to take a very simple example. You know the alternative to Bourges in 530 which is Agen...)

MB : yes

(Q - niorflan: I arrive at my zone, I have my trigger and in fact I realize that I had my Bourges but I also had my Agen, but in fact throughout the unfolded that I did and then what I start to do on the area, but in fact Agen it is useless and then as my mind is a bit twisted, Agen, I had found other things with Agen, but in fact no, no, all that, no I can put it in the trash because it's not at all in hunting)

MB : well yes why not... I don't see what answer I can give you there, I don't really see, well, you're actually telling me, well I'm doing my journey, I'm arriving somewhere and then is that can I do the cleaning? Yeah you can clean it up of course, but I imagine that when you talk to me about Bourges or Agen, well at some point if you start, you have to start from somewhere and I think that before arriving At the end of the puzzles, you must have decided where to start.