Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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25/05/2022 - Enregistrement 31 - 1:08:45 45: Sentinels - advancement of the owls

(Q - ??: are there researchers at the foot of the Sentinels?)

MB : I can't tell you that...[laughs] I can't tell you that.

(Q - ??: I think it's quite strange that you can't answer, because after everything you reveal to us, it's not a super important detail about us either say that there are 2 or 3 heads that got there?)

MB : I don't know how many have made it this far in reality, I can't answer that, you're cooking me up now.

(Q - ??: perhaps a slightly less precise question, you often come back to the use of the compass, afterwards, for me a compass is not necessarily an object that is easy to use for everyone, the usage is not too common According to what was transmitted to you and was possible to see, do you think that someone had the right reasoning, had found the right pile-up but did not. not dug deep enough or dug slightly off by a few centimeters)

MB : [direct response from MB] No, no one has found the pile-up and especially no one has found the mechanism that allows it to be defined.