Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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18/06/2022 - Enregistrement 33 - part 1 - 51:15 : Plenty of hair found from your armchair with the click

(Q - ??: is it conceivable, possible (if I force myself and ignore the curses) that the exact pile-up can only be known once on site?)

MB : no, no, he can be known from his armchair if we find what we need to find. If we have the trigger, we can find, we can understand and say to ourselves, from our armchair, "well yes, good God but of course it's there, and I'm going there right away".
It's not unthinkable, on the other hand what I believe, you know to explain that, when you get to know someone through a photo and then see them in real life behind, there's always a difference obviously, the same thing when we discover a house, we have fun on the Internet, we want to buy a house when we see the photos and then when we arrive on site we say ""ah yeah I do I hadn't seen it like that."
This final solution is a bit like that, that is to say that we can very well get a very precise idea from our armchair, but it is only once we get there that we will really have no longer an idea but a certainty.
That remains, that's why Max had always said that in his mind, we had to go digging, he always said that, so that was indeed his initial intention and the understanding is that actually you have to consider that once there you have a slightly different vision, you realize things better.
I have read certain reports from researchers who say, I arrived there, it's not at all what I thought,... there is always a difference and it happens a little at that level too, but you can really go very, very far from your armchair.

(Q - Nabil: Michel, what you said is important, because many will understand that the spot is visible in photos on the Internet, is that what you mean or...)

MB : no, no I didn't say...I mean from your chair today, on the Internet there is a lot of information that you can cross-check, a lot of things that you can see, that we couldn't see in 1993. So I would say, in 1993, it is likely that it would have been almost indispensable, although I know perfectly well that Max Valentin claimed that you could find from home and that a child of 15 years old could find, moreover it is not necessarily wrong since the 15 year old child at the time, if he is still looking today, he still has his chances, but he is no longer 15 years old.
But jokes aside, there is information that we can find today, cross-checks that we can make, certainties that we can form thanks to elements that we find on the Internet and we would have had difficulty, perhaps in 1993...we would have said to ourselves I have to go and see there, I have to check this, I have to check that, but I don't say anything else. I'm simply trying to explain to you the fact that it's not worth running on a spot that you think is the right one, by telling you, once there I'll see.
If you have no very precise idea of ??what to do there, you should not go there, you should not go there, you will have to look further.
The Super Solution, I always use this term but..., what you have to find is really,... you have to have a good feeling of it from home before going there.
I maintain that today there is information which is in the book, in the enigmas and which has not been exploited or insufficiently exploited, that's for sure.

(Q - Nabil: okay so we can understand what we're going to find but we view it, we don't see it particularly in photos on the Internet..)< br />
MB : here it is...