Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 2:47:30 30: Modern research methods

(Q - ??: Many tell new arrivals "it's impossible to solve the hunt, if we use the internet we are distorted, we must have the period documents"". Should we use modern research methods, when this hunt was created without the internet?)

MB : I think that even for Internet virtuosos, there is always the alternative of a paper medium. I wouldn't make a distinction there. But in my eyes, newcomers to hunting have much as much chance as veterans, because they have a fresh mind on the subject, and we don't necessarily have an idea of ??how they will work and the relevance of what they will be able to find. You must maintain freshness of mind and independence.