Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:47:02 02: Iron bird and disappearance of the countermark 1/8

(Q - ??: There is little chance that he threw it, since he was thinking of putting it back in place.)

MB : When Max called me to say “Michel, something is happening, you need to intervene”, he wasn't proud. And I imagine that when he took the Bronze Owl away, he was scared, and it's possible that he didn't tell his family about it. For me, the heirs are honest people, above all suspicion in this regard. They did what they could to help me get back into shape.
I suppose that Owl number 1 was probably buried somewhere by Max, it's a fairly human reflex to say "I'll dig it up from there, but I'll hide it in a corner known only to me". And at that moment, no one knows where she is since she is no longer correlated with the game, she is hidden somewhere, I don't think at his place. Maybe we'll never be able to find her. She will be found one day by chance.