Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:13:10 10: Mentalist Clément Freze - Understanding of hunting

(Q - ??: You said at the time that because of Max, because of the Madits, the solution to the Hunt was based on something that was almost intuitive, that the puzzles could be interpreted in a thousand and one different ways, and that ultimately the inventor of the solutions would be the one who took the thread in the same direction as Max When reading the solutions, do you confirm or refute this suspicion. that you had?)

MB : Indeed my perception of the subject has changed a little, not hugely. In any case, you must not unwind the thread in the same direction as Max, you must unwind it backwards. He started from one place to create his hunt. Your approach is the opposite, you start from the puzzles to go back to the cache.
What I believe is that to better navigate the puzzles, you have to integrate Max Valentin's personality. I kill myself saying it and repeating it. I think the message will eventually get through, we have to look at how it worked. We are starting to understand him better, and I hope that I am believed on this point, through his interpretation or his comments on certain of my paintings, certain little quips that he sent.