Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 37:06 : B - Green color and black background

(Q - ??: why is there so much absence of green color in the rainbow? Why is there almost no green?)

MB : I have to pick up my book again! Green is a difficult color, there aren't many artists who like to work with green, I love it.
So where is the B...

(Q - apollo: B is terrible! She is terrible!)

MB : what do you find terrible about him?

(Q - apollo: because there are a lot of things in B, in the visual, we find the order...but there are a lot of things, but there are a lot of things. ..)

(Q - ??: the visual of B is still the emptiest compared to the other visuals, it is the visual where there is the most black. So why does it not isn't there a lot of green Mr Becker?)

MB : I didn't think twice about black. I'm looking, there are some vaguely between blue and yellow actually, with a flat brush if you pass it over the blue and the yellow it will make green. It's chance there is no desire to avoid green.

(Q - apollo: there is a lot of black! There is nothing in the black part?)

MB : and you want to know why? It's the specifications except that a rainbow on a black background is not obvious. no, there's nothing, I'm not going to do something like that to you, no, there's nothing.