Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 37 - 01:23:00 :00: Trace on the map of France - Mega Tip

(Q - crew: my question earlier was if you had seen in the solutions that there was a figure to form on the card, you would have said to yourself that's it Mega Tip because for me a figure on the map corresponds to the definition of Mega Tip? Afterwards we don't all have the same understanding of what a Mega Tip can be, for me this figure on the map could correspond to this Mega Tip. or despite everything it's not a Mega Tip?)

MB : in fact you are asking me about 2 things, an example that you mention and the notion of a Mega Tip, what can we conceive of as being a Mega Tip, is a plot of this kind could be considered by me as a Mega Tip?
The first thing I would like to say is that the idea of ??a trace on the map of France results from owl researchers, it is an idea which was submitted to Max and which he recovered during a hunt that he produced after the Golden Owl, so it was not an idea that came out of nowhere but was submitted to him by certain researchers.
Would I consider it a Mega Tip, so let's try to define what a Mega Tip could be...Mega well Ok a tip that would be a million times more clever than a basic tip...< br /> A Mega Tip would a plot like that be a Mega Tip, I am reserved about my answer, I have doubts that we considered it as the find of the century, the super brilliant thing that we could describe as Mega Tip...I'm not sure, I would find it clever but I wouldn't go much further than a tip.
To finish, I come back to a point that I have supported, developed and defended for a long time and even more now than ever, namely that the character of Max Valentin, his comments were made after the start of the game so all these notions are notions invented, not extrapolated, I say invented by Max or recovered if you prefer from among all those of the owls to forge this multi-intelligent, highly efficient character, soothsayer, multiscient, omniscient, who would have imagined everything, guessed everything,... .
So the notion of Mega Tip, a trace on the map I don't think I would consider it like that, my personal understanding would be to say it's a super clever find that we can't capture at the 1st level, that we are obliged to search for a while and which we suddenly come across and say to ourselves well there it is, that explains everything and so if it were to explain everything it doesn't exist because there is nothing that explains everything.