Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 37 - 44:20 : Pile of hair - Stones

(Q - MaxArbitre: I have a question about the hole, I went to the field not very long ago, I dug, it seems to me that you had put back some stones in the hole. would you say that you put pebbles, stones, slabs, other words what would be the size of these stones?)

MB : [laughs] you are unbearable Mr. Referee...would you say that the ball bit by half a millimeter or half a centimeter. But no, I can't answer all that, there are pebbles, stones, whatever you want, I put back in what I found there, I'm not going to tell you that.
So listen to me to the end, frankly, frankly, pebbles, stones, slabs are everywhere in France, damn good evening, that can't be a clue..If you haven't found any at all , yes it's a clue that you've made a mistake. If you are in loose earth, everything went well, you dug 80 centimeters in 5 minutes and you found nothing, you are not in the right place. But otherwise places where there are pebbles, stones of different sizes, roots of whatever you want, there are plenty of them. In a public garden, a forest, anywhere, it's everywhere, everywhere. Everywhere when I think of my lawn...

(Q - MaxArbitre: okay, could you remind us how long it took you to excavate the iron bird?)

MB : so I worked roughly, so I took some recovery time, had a drink,...but year in and year out it took me close to 3 hours.

(Q - YnkaOne: but it should be easier to do, is it looser?)

MB : well yes but after how long, it's been quite a while now, after the rain, the sun, whatever you want, the earth settles, the vegetation returns, I weigh 90 kgs I jumped like a beast to pack as much as possible. I lost a little weight I must have been 93/94 when I jumped on it. It was heavy [laughs]. I'm not going to give them up to you like that...