Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 37 - 37:30 : Vocabulary - Calvary and Torment

(Q - animal of Mars: I wanted to know if for you ordeal is synonymous with torture)

MB : ordeal, there is an ordeal in hunting, torture for sure but an ordeal..?. I don't see any ordeal in the hunt, what are you referring to? Do you have an idea? Isn't that something explicit in the book?

(Q - Animal of Mars: no, no it's not in the book, it's a link with the cave and the ordeal in Dabo)

MB : okay, and you tell me, is calvary implying, is it synonymous with torture? Can you explain to me the meaning of your question?

(Q - animal of Mars: is calvary a synonym for torture?)

MB : if we talk about the French language, ordeal and a synonym for torture, but in your idea there is a meaning to all that? Ha the last torture (in 520) does it involve an ordeal...yes for many players but if you tell me about a concrete ordeal, don't forget that Max, and there he didn't lie , there are no typically religious elements outside of the building to which allusion can be made. But there is no religious history in all that, the ordeal is something very specific in the Catholic religion so no, no, no ordeals in our history.