Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 37 - 20:10 : 650 - Locate the sentries - Map at 1:25000

(Q - nlc: another paradox to submit to you: in 650 the enigma says very clearly that we must find a there and from there, in a general direction and a certain distance, find our famous sentinels Both Max and you confirmed that it was not necessary to use your eyes on a map to locate them, but for me when I am given a location, a direction and a distance the first reflex. what I have is to look on a map so I have a little difficulty understanding this paradox, Max said no don't look on the map for Sentinels)

MB : first of all, I am not sure that I have corroborated Max's comments to this extent, if indeed we are talking about comments that I do not necessarily know to the letter.
I have always said that from the moment we thought we had the right place, where we were in an area, where we wanted to see more it was interesting to take a map, we generally talk about a card to the 25,000th, so it seems logical to me to use a card, I would have the same reflex.

(Q - nlc: it's logical but you said that you shouldn't rack your brains over a map....and that seems paradoxical)< br />
MB : Max or I, I don't remember saying that but I could be wrong.

(Q - nlc: we asked you for confirmation and you confirmed that the Sentinels there is no need to look at a map, it seems paradoxical to me that the enigma clearly says position, direction, distance and that we do not ultimately have to identify this place, this direction and ...)

MB : I don't remember saying that exactly in this context, or even, but once again I don't remember everything I said, dozens and dozens of hours of vocals, I I don't remember everything.
In any case, when you are sure of where you want to look, of course it is useful to have a map.